OH MY GOODNESS pretty sure anyone that actually reads this thought I forgot about this blog or that I just gave up, sorry!!!! I think it has been like close to a month since I last posted, sheesh! I was busy starting a new job, attending one of my best friends wedding (Congrats Nora and Devin!!!!!) and just staying busy! But never fear, I am back....
So I have been logging some runs, the farthest being close to 5 miles and I have a week until my next big race: The Detroit Turkey Trot! Can't wait! This is a terrific race and for any local readers, you can register all the way up until like an hour before the race starts! Yes, the race does start at like 7:45 am but it feels pretty awesome to pig out at Thanksgiving dinner knowing that you ran a 10K that morning! If you aren't quite ready for the 10K, they also offer a 5K (which has the same start time) and a Mashed Potato Mile which starts at 7:30am. Never fear if you don't feel up to running, there are plenty of peeps that walk it, run and walk it, and some people even bring their dogs! Also there are costume competitions :)
I will be running the 10K with my new found running buddy Molly Reidy (woo hoo!) and my long time running buddy, my Dad! Thats right, my dad is 52 years old and is probably in better shape than at least 50% of the people in this country in their 20s. He is also the reason I am a runner in the first place, so thanks Dad and keep up the good work!! You not only inspire me every day but I am sure plenty of other people as well!
So this is basically just a post to say hey! I am still here and this blog is still going haha. And I right now am currently planning on running a half marathon and maybe a full marathon by next October! But we will see. Also, my wonderful and lovely friend Molly Reidy has offered to be a *guest blogger* on here woohoo! Shout out to Molly :)
I hope everyone has taken up Bananas and Chocolate Milk and here is another awesome runner-friendly food for you to try!!
Some of you may already know about this delicious miracle dairy product, others maybe be saying what?! Let me tell you about Kefir...
I was first introduced to Kefir only a year ago via my awesome boyfriend. Though he is not a runner, he is a healthy eater and a smoothie extraordinaire. He uses Kefir in his smoothies for its taste, health benefits and creamy and smooth texture. But trust me, it is plenty delicious all on its own!
Kefir is kind of like a cross between yogurt and milk. It has a lot of the same benefits as yogurt (protein, TONS of probiotics, awesome for digestion) but is thinner than yogurt, almost the consistency of the half way point between yogurt and milk. Yum! Actually, Kefir has more probiotics than yogurt, has a ton of protein, and wonderful carbohydrates (and fiber mmm!). Kefir comes in lots of different flavors, depending on the brand. I prefer Lifeway Kefir but there are plenty of other brands! I love the blueberry flavor but there is also pomegranate, strawberry, strawberry banana, raspberry, peach, chocolate, even cappuccino! But how come it is awesome for runners? Besides the protein for muscle repair after long runs, the carbohydrates to restore or build up our energy reserves, Kefir contains something called Lactobacillus. Mmmmm sounds tasty huh? Its a wonderful little bacteria that is found in Kefir. Studies have shown that runners (especially long distance runners) that consume Lactobacillus have less severe and less occurrences of respiratory illnesses! And runners know how important and lovely their respiratory systems are. Kefir is also great for digestion and our immune systems!
For enjoying the Kefir you can add it to a smoothie or just drink it down! You can buy larger bottles but I usually get the smaller individual containers and have one for breakfast or as a snack before a run! Mmmmmmm Kefir! Try it out!
Until next time!
Remember, anyone can be a runner, you just have to get out there and do it! Adios :)
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